Sunday, 1 December 2019

2nd trip to England

Our trip to England began with a long and crowded coach journey, thankfully we had Harry Potter playing on the coach TV to get us through the night and into the English frame of mind. We arrived to a breathtaking sunrise on the white cliffs of Dover, a sight which should never be taken for granted, and the students happily started taking in the first of many authentic British moments whilst us, the teachers, started clutching the first of many cups of British coffee. Our journey continued onward until we arrived in our hometown for the next week, Stratford-upon-Avon, otherwise known as the birthplace of Shakespeare. The students had an hour to themselves to refuel before our day's activities began. Of course, the nearest Poundland became besieged by our group. We never thought we would see the boys so excited over pens, but one hundred pens for one hundred pennies soon changed that. After we had finished raiding Poundland, we got back to the more cultural side of things. We stepped back in time when visiting Shakespeare's house on a guided tour and explored the place where the playwright who shaped the English language grew up. In Anne Hathaway's house we saw where the love of his life resided. Then, lastly, in Holy Trinity church we visited the final resting place of Shakespeare and his family. Our day of travel, culture and pens concluded with meeting our host families who served us a hot dinner and provided a warm bed. 
Sunday morning brought us breakfast and excitement because we were about to say hello to Legoland, a firm favourite among the students. Even though the weather decided to greet us with its typical English self (rain, gloom and a tad more rain) we managed to enjoy seven straight hours of thrills. One of our students even managed to win a massive cuddly dog, putting us teachers to shame since our several attempts completely failed.
With the weekend over, it was time to let the students try their hand at studying in an English school.
Over the next four days, a lesson was held in a beautiful location every morning. The students created their own restaurant menus and composed articles whilst just outside the window British rowers sailed past on the misty morning river. In the afternoons we alternated between stuffing ourselves with chocolate at Cadbury World, becoming miners at the Black Country Living Museum, walking the hallways where the lover of Queen Elizabeth I. resided, becoming a perching spot for monarch butterflies and of course doing a mad shopping dash in the holy grail that is Primark. 
Leaving our host families and sailing away from England's shores were sad moments but made easier by knowing the whole trip had been one of the most memorable experiences we could have had. 
Caitlin - teacher of English conversation

Monday, 21 October 2019

Anglie I

Our trip was 20th-27th August. Our class 7.B and some kids from the sixth grades visited Stratford upon Avon in Great Britain. The kids were living with families who drove them to the meeting point from which the kids went on bus to English lessons every morning. After the lessons ,the program began.Within the program the kids had an opportunity to visit some interesting places around Stratford. For example, the birthplace of famous William Shakespearem, The Black Country Living Museum which is an example of gorgeous open-air museum with shops and restaurants serviced with people in costumes. Ruins of Kenilworth castle, LEGOLAND and many others. Our last trip was a tour of an old school in Stratford in which William Shakespeare studied.
Anežka Rýznarová, Markéta Hanzalová 7. B

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Partage ta science, un projet entre Rennes et Prague en 2019

En coopération avec l´école Dědina, Prague 6, nous avons participé au projet proposé par le collège lycée Emile Zola à Rennes.  Partage ta science, c´est le nom de projet dont le but est de partager le savoir (ainsi que le savoir-faire et le savoir-être) des élèves français et tchèques.  

Tout au long du deuxième semestre, les élèves ont échangé autour des thèmes divers. L´échange est possible grâce à l´espace internet e-twinning. Dans le cadre de leur programme en sciences, les élèves français de troisième ont observé l´impact du changement climatique sur l´océan Atlantique. De notre côté, à l´école Pod Marjankou, nous avons travaillé sur une présentation générale de la République Tchèque, de son histoire, culture et patrimoine.  

Au mois de mai, les deux classes rennaises sont arrivées à Prague pour une semaine de découverte. Les élèves Français sont accueillis par leurs correspondants tchèques, dans les familles tchèques. Notre voyage en France se réalise en juin. Une semaine pour découvrir la France: le collège Emile Zola, les villes de Rennes et de Saint Malo, la côte atlantique, le Mont Saint Michel et Paris. Nous étions ravis de connaitre les familles de nos correspondants ainsi que le fonctionnement d´une école bien différente. Nous avons toujours trouvé de thèmes qui nous unissent.  

Nous sommes ravis d´avoir participé à ce projet et c´est avec plaisir que nous y participerons l´année prochaine.  

Lucie Kubečková, 27 juin 2019 

Thursday, 14 March 2019

My experience in the Netherlands

About a week before we arrived in the Netherlands we got contact details for our paired student, but it was still funny to guess which one is him or her. When we arrived in the Netherlands we had some time to get to know each other personally during the welcome lunch. Then our family came for us and I met them for the first time. The whole week we were mostly travelling by bicycles, so it was nice to reawaken our cycling skills, because our winter is too cold to cycle. A lot of people there told me that we were lucky, because it rained only once and only for about ten minutes. Our new friends were very nice, they organised small parties for us which were great. But the best was the penultimate meeting on the beach, where we had a picnic and played rugby, we stayed until dark. I liked the Netherlands a lot, because of the nature, beautiful architecture and mostly because a lot of people were travelling by bicycle.
The Netherlands is definitely a country which I would like to visit at least one more time, but for a much longer period.
                                                                                     Filip Kopčák, 8. C

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Advent in Wien

Vor Weihnachten machten wir einen Ausflug nach Wien. Wir wollten Sehenswürdigkeiten kennenlernen und die Weihnachtsatmosphäre genießen. Das Programm war agwechslungsreich.

Wir sahen Hundertwasserhaus, waren im Vergnügungspark Prater, besuchten sehr interressantes Museum Time Travel mit 5D Kino, bummelten duch die Stadtzentrum und genoßen Christkindelmärkte

am Schloss Schönbrunn und vor dem Rathaus. Kinderpunsch, Bratwurst und Sacher schmeckten sehr gut.

Vlasta Vojtášková - Deutschlehrerin