Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Trip to Denmark

Our trip to Denmark started on Sunday the 3rd of May when we got on a bus in Prague. We travelled through Germany and we arrived to Denmark in the late evening. Our host families took us to their houses and we had dinner there. The next day the Danish students showed us their school and the town, Ringe. In the afternoon we went on a trip to the sea. On Tuesday we visited a town called Odense where we went to a museum and we saw and interesting exhibition about Danish fashion and also and exhibition about selfies. After the museum we took a boat to the forest, we had ice cream there and then we walked back to the town where we went shopping. On Wednesday we went to Legoland which was really fun! On our last day in Denmark we went on a bicycle trip to Egeskov castle. And in the evening we had a goodbye party with the families at the school and in a jumping centre. We left on Friday morning. We had a great time with our friends in Denmark and we're looking forward to next year!

Ester Cajthamlová, 8. A

Monday, 25 May 2015

Výlet do Rakouska

Kürzlich waren wir in Österreich. Zuerst sind wir nach Hallstadt gefahren. Dort haben wir das ältesten Salzbergwerk in der Welt besucht. Unser Reiseführer hat über die Bergarbeiter gesprochen. Dort waren auch die Rütschen aus Holz. Am Abend haben wir in Vyšší Brod (Hohenfurth) in Tschechien geschlafen.
Am zweiten Tag haben wir das Kloster besucht. Es war wirklich interessant. Dort ist auch eine große Bücherei mit 70 Tausend Büchern.
Nach dem Besuch sind wir nach Linz gefahren. Es war schade dass es geregnet hat. In den Stadt haben wir Ars Electronica Museum besucht. Wir haben ein 3D Film gesehen, 3D Bilder gemalt und so weiter...
Es war sehr gut und die Leute waren fantastisch.

Jakub Roubíček 9.B
