Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Why to go on a school trip to England?

My experience from this course is really good. All students, that were on this trip, will tell you that it was brilliant or super.
If you go there with the school one day, you don´t have to be afraid of, for example, your host families or your English. Your English will be much better after this course!
During this course you will go to school and have lessons with English teachers (that was fantastic!). You will go on trips to Tintagel, Exeter or London and you will hear perfect English from British people. As I said, you don´t have to be afraid of your English. They will understand, if you try to speak correctly, or with a piece of hope.
Yes - school, trips, host families and fun! All of that in just one course! I am sure that you won´t forget it and you will miss that place!

Benjamin Mokriš, 7.C

Monday, 25 June 2012

Notre séjour en France

Nous avons passé une semaine inoubliable en France, moi et mes amis.
Le mois dernier, nous sommes venus à Argèles, au camp ‘Taxo les pins‘ pour passer les vacances francaises à 100%!
Nous avons visité beaucoup de châteaux, par exemple, mon château favorit, Carcassonne.Il y a de nombreux magasins trés intéressants et les crêperies où nous avons mangé des crêpes au Nutela (délicieux!).
Mais les plus beaux sont les immeubles pittoresques du style roman, je peux dire. Je les aimais beaucoup, j’espére les voir dans les années prochaines.
Pendant notre séjour, nous avons fait des achats.J’ai acheté surtout des choses en souvenir et de la lavande (j’adore!), mes copines ont acheté trop de vêtements.
D’après moi, les meilleurs places pour faire des achats sont les marchés, parce-que j’ai trouvé trop de belles choses ici.
Nous avons visité l’école, où nous avons trouvé de nouveaux amis.
Mais il y avait les enfants très méchants qui se sont moqués de nous.
La cuisine francaise est trés bonne, surtout les fromages et les baguettes, d’après moi. Je les ai mangé beaucoup, ils étaient délicieux!
Les pâtisseries francaises sont trop reputées, aussi, surtout des crêpes formidables J. Mais il y a aussi des plats un peu bizzares: les cuisses de grenouilles, les escargots…
Nous avons pris beaucopu de photos, nous avons joué au volley, nous nous sommes bagnés, nous nous sommes amusés…
J’espère que nous allons revenir en France l’année prochaine avec tous mes amis et avec notre professeurs.

                                   Tereza Humhalová 8.B                                           

Friendship with Denmark

On 21.5. we went on a trip to Denmark, as the second part of an exchange stay with Danish friends. In the evening we arrived after a long journey, to Ringe.
The next morning we saw the school and the city in which our friends guided through us. As the first trip we were on the beach on the North Sea. In the evening everybody had dinner together in the garden of the school.
The following day we visited 3. largest city in Denmark, Odense. We saw there birth House H. Ch. Andersen. We are also able to shopping and we passed on the river cruise ship here.
Our most popular trip was on the fourth day. It was a trip to Legoland. We think it was very fun. 
The last day before departure, we took a trip on the bikes to the castle Egeskov. There we could try to pass through the maze and other interesting attractions. In the evening most of us were on the BBQ party and the rest of the children were in the afternoon with danish friends.
The last day we said good-bye and went back home to the Czech Republic.

We think that all of this trip in Denmark, had so much fun for us.

Anna Burianová
Veronika Císařová
Dominika Svárovská