Every winter all the 7th classes spend one week in the mountains where they improve their skiing skills. This year our class 7.A went on a trip to Krkonoše first. We left on Saturday 2nd February. We went by bus to a small village Strážné where we stayed for 1 week in a small mountain cottage. There was lots of snow at the beginning, skiing was perfect and we also had time for cross-country skiing. It was fun!! On the rainy day we played a table tennis
tournament. Every evening we played many indoor games organized by our leaders. At the end of the trip we had skiing races. Every other evening there was a disco!:-)The week was wonderful, with lots of fun, everybody enjoyed it!! Thank you for everything and see you in the mountains again!
7.A skiers
Our class went on a skiing trip the 2nd week in February. We stayed in a small cottage in Herlíkovice. Our cottage wasn´t very nice, food and the cooks were terrible, but we enjoyed the trip anyway. We went skiing nearly every day. The 4th day we went on an all-day cross-country skiing trip on Žalý. It was fun. The weather was great! Boys in our class were real gentlemen and helped the girls with cross-country skis. On the trip we made friends with most of the people in our class. In the evenings we played many games. At night we talked with our room-mates and ate lots of crisps. We didn´t sleep much. According to most of us it was the best skiing trip in the world!
Skiers from 7.C
Our class arrived in Strážné as the last. It wasn´t freezing so the snow was thawing. We lived in a cottage called Vilka. We arrived at noon so we went skiing in the afternoon. We were divided into three skiing groups. The first group was the best and they were skiing on the most difficult skiing slopes, the third group on the easiest. The weather wasn´t cold all the time, but it was okay for skiing. We lived in rooms from 2 to 4 people. Every day we got up at about 7.30 and we had breakfast at 8. Next to Vilka was a building where we went to eat. After breakfast we returned to our rooms and we packed our bags for skiing. When we were ready, a ski-bus took us to the slopes where we made the groups. Each group had its own instructor. When we came back from the trip, we usually had one hour for relaxing. For cross-country skiing we had different groups. At 6 pm we had dinner and then we played some games with our teachers. We had to go to bed at 10pm. We think that all of us enjoyed it and nobody wanted to return back to school again.
Skiers from 7.B