Monday, 22 October 2007

Our trip to Great Britain

At the end of September we went on a language trip to England. Every year it is organised for students of the 7th classes. There were 43 of us this year.
Departure was set up for 10.30pm, but despite of that late hour we were all excited and in a good mood. We spent 2 days on the bus. We stopped in Brugge for a short visit, slept one night in a hotel in France and on Monday evening we arrived in Barnstaple. Our future English parents were already waiting for us near the school.
When we all arrived in our new homes, we had the first English dinner and went to bed. Next morning we went to school, as we do in Prague, but our lessons started at 9 o´clock instead of 8. After school we went on the first trip which was a town tour of Barnstaple. Our guide was very charismatic and there was no chance to get lost with this man. If anyone got lost, his loud expression „Oh, yey! Oh, yey!“ would get him out of the wrong way immediately.
We went on trips every day after school.Except Sunday which was a family day and we spent it with our host mothers and fathers. Our trips were: Atlantic coast – Ilfracombe and Woolacombe, Lynton and Lynmouth, Plymouth, Westward Ho!, Tintagel and Milky Way.
On the way to Prague we stopped in London where we visited the Tower of London and walked round the city centre where we saw the most famous buildings and places of the British capital.
We all liked the trip and we hope that we will go back to England again one day.

Nika Obradovičová and Adéla Brandová, 7.B

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Schuleraustausch mit Hauptschule Donaustauf

Unser Austausch in Deutschland war die 1 Woche im Mai. Wir haben uns am ersten Mal getroffen. Wir haben in Deutschland alles zusammen gemacht. Wir haben die Spiele gespielt, aber auch Ausflüge gemacht. Zum Beispiel waren wir in Regensburg – wir haben eine Stadtführung gemacht. Die Tschechen haben bei den deutschen Partnerfamilien gewohnt. Wir waren nur mit Deutschen und wir mussten nur Deutsch sprechen. Das war für uns sehr wichtig und wir haben viele neue Wörter gelernt. Ich denke, jetzt haben wir viele Freunde in Donaustauf und für uns und für sie ist es auch super.
Im Juni sind die deutschen Schüler zu uns nach Prag gekommen. Sie haben einen Stadtbummel durch die Stadt gemacht, zusammen waren wir im Zoo, wir haben Bowling gespielt, an der Moldau gepadelt und wir haben für sie Gartenfest vorbereitet. Jeden Abend haben die tschechischen Schüler gutes Privatprogramm für sie gemacht. Die Deutschen Schüler haben in tschechischen Familien gewohnt .
Es war super und wir haben viel Spass zusammen erlebt.
9.A Schuler-innen

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Visit in Denmark

We were in Denmark from 3rd June to 8th June. We stayed in the families. We had really great time. We visited the school and we had games - gymnastic, basketball, table tennis etc... We visited lots of interesting places like: Ringe, Legoland, Sea centre in Kerteminde, Odense etc...
We had a bike trip to the lake. We caught fish, rode a canoe, swam and we had barbecue.
Every evening we spent in the family. It was really great and we hope that we will see our danish friends in the future.
Katka Živcová 8.B

Saturday, 5 May 2007

An exchange programme with Dennmark

Everything started 5 years ago, when a group of Danish headmasters on a tour around the Czech republic visited our school. They were trying to find a school, that would like to participate in an exchange programme. One month later, we recieved a letter from a school from Ringe, the small town on the island of Fynn. And it was the beginning…
The first year 20 children from the eight grade participated and they started to exchange letters. The first Danish group arrived on Easter Monday 2003. The pupils stayed in host families and they had an exciting programme (visit our school, international sport games, visit of Karlštejn castle, Terezín concentration camp, bowling club, glass factory, Koněprusy caves, boat trip,…). In the evenings they had a programme with their host families.
Then children from our school went to Dennmark to visit their Danish friends and they enjoyed the trip also a lot.
We find this kind of programme very useful. The children are not afraid of speaking English, because for both sides English is not their mother language and they have a possibility to experience life and culture in a small foreign city through family life. And one of the most important thing for our pupils – they do not have to go to school!
Nada Pavlisova

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Friends from Denmark

Our friends from Denmark came to Prague on Easter Monday. They were here from 9th April to 14th April and lived in our families. We had a nice time – we visited centre of Prague, we were in bowling club, Zoo, climbing centre etc. After school program we could go with them to the cinema, bobsleigh course, to Petřín or we went shopping. We really enjoyed it, we are in contact with them and we are looking forward to visiting Denmark in June.
Jana Mikulcová a Jana Mahlerová, 8.B

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Échange franco – tchéque 2007

Au mois de mars, nous avons passé huit jours chez nos amis français à la Pacaudiére en France. Et notre programme? Découverte de la région Rhône – Alpes et de la vie quotidienne de ses habitants et aussi de nos contemporains.
Nous avons visité le centre régional Lyon, Clérmont Ferrand, Roanne et d´autres lieux intéressants de cette région. Nous avons eu l´occasion de comparer le style de vie en France et chez nous en République tchèque, traditions historiques, la cuisine française et tchèque, le systéme scolaire... Nous avons passé une semaine inoubliable avec nos amis français. Maintenat, nous attendons avec impatience l´arrivée de nos correspondants à Prague. Nous aimerions bien leur présenter notre capitale Prague et profondir notre amitié.
David Kraus, 9.B

Friday, 27 April 2007


Im Dezember 2006 haben wir eine Fahrt nach Dresden gemacht. Wir haben die Gemaldegalerie Alte Mister im Zwinger besucht, wir sind durch Dresden spazierengegangen und schone Weihnachtsatmosphare erlebt, einige Weihnachtsgeschenke gekauft und ein bisschen Deutsch gesprochen.
Vlasta Vojtaskova

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Schuleraustausch mit Volksschule Donaustauf

Im Mai fahren 20 Schuler unserer Schule nach Donaustauf zum Schuleraustausch. Wir wohnen in den Familien und erleben gemeinsam interessantes Program.
Im Juni kommen unsere Freunde aus Donaustauf zu uns und wir zeigen ihnen unsere Schule und Prag.
Vlasta Vojtaskova


Nous organisons les voyages scolaires en France pour nos éléves. Notre établissement scolaire jumelé – le collége Jean Papon à la Pacaudière se trouve dans la région Rhône-Alpes. Nous réalisons nos échanges depuis 2005.
Quel est le thème de notre projet? Découverte de la région Rhône-Alpes et de la vie quotidienne de ses habitants, perfectionner nos connaissances de la langue française. Présenter Prague - la capitale de la République tchèque à nos amis français et aussi le style de vie dans notre pays.
Renata Kadlecová


On the 23rd September at 10.30 pm all 43 children from the classes 7.A,B,C and 3 teachers (Kateřina Prokopová, Monika Tučková a Silva Žeková) left school towards England. On the way to England we stopped to see some interesting places, for example Brugge in Belgium, Stonehenge and Salisbury cathedral. After that we drove straight to Barnstaple in North Devon county where we met our host families.
The next morning at school we had to introduce ourselves to the English teachers with whom we then spent our 10 days in England. During the stay we had a look at the centre of Barnstaple (shops, a museum, monuments etc.). We also went on other trips. We got to see the ruins of King Arthur´s castle in Tintagel, the cities of Lynton and Lynmouth, Exeter with a beautiful cathedral and also the beaches of Woolacombe and Ilfracombe.
On the way back we did not forget to stop in London where we visited the Tower of London with the crown jewels. On a short tour round the city we saw the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square or the world-famous Tower bridge. In the evening we crossed the English channel by ferry and drove home to Prague.We think that all of us enjoyed our stay in Barnstaple and we hope that there will be another chance to visit so exciting and enchanting country as England is.

Lenka Filipová a Anna Pekarovicsová, 7.A